Carnal Psychedelia
Fetish events typically feature playrooms where people have sex, and enact S/M impact scenes. This requires trust and communication, and is preceded by some sort of aftercare, like a time-out alone or wanting to be held by a partner. 
These spaces are usually monitored by stewards and shelter kinky people whose desires and lifestyles have traditionally been repressed by society. Their importance was demonstrated when hundreds of fetishists protested last year after Tower Hamlets council threatened to close Klub Verboten. Clubs are generally difficult to maintain thanks to council restrictions and developers, and people outside of London have to commute to the city or go abroad to attend fetish events. 

Click here to watch the clip. 
Torture Garden & Wraith photographs 
No One Studio. Photographer 

Fetish Untied: The Pleasure in Pain trailer
Curtis Blair. Filmmaker 
Cover image
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